About Smaller, in Blue / Smaller, in Blueとは

Originally conceptualised by a DIY musician Ukas as his trading entity, "Smaller, in Blue" delivers personal and small music, offers art-related translation between English and Japanese, and stands somewhere in between multiple parties for and with you.


DIY宅録ミュージシャンUkasの屋号として生まれた”Smaller, in Blue”は、個人的で小さな音楽を届けます。また、アート(たまにそれ以外)に関する英日翻訳を提供したり、あなたのプロジェクトに関わる複数の関係者の間に、あなたと共に立ったりします。

As a record label / レーベルとして

Smaller, in Blue (SiB) aims to release personal and smaller sounding music that has this otherwise indescribable feel of creator's days and life. For practical reasons, it currently focuses on mainly Ukas' (my own) materials but hopes to expand its scope and feature other "like-sounded" music.


Smaller, in Blue (SiB)は、他の方法ではなんとも表現し辛い制作者の日常や人生が感じられるような、個人的で小さく鳴る音楽を発信します。現実的な制限もあり、今はUkas自身の音楽を取り扱うのみですが、ゆくゆくは志をともにするような他者の音楽をリリースしたいと思います。

As a translator / 翻訳者として

SiB also provides ENG -> JP translations. With first hand on-site experiences, it specialises in art (mainly contemporary art), music, culture, and politics.


Past works includes from both public and private sectors such as the Setouchi Asia Forum 2022 report (director's word and some texts from the participating artists) as well as having a score of 9.5 on Gengo.com (freelance website that offers professional translation service).


More on the hobby side of the spectrum, I have also translated lyrics from some of my favourite indie bands.







As an intermediator / 仲介者として

Last but not least, SiB assists international art- / music- projects as an intermediator by providing smooth ENG-JP communications and well organised clerical work support.


Here, an intermediator refers to a person who stands in between multiple parties with different background and philosophy. While a part of this work includes literal translation and verbal interpretation, what it really does is to translate and convey the language of one group to the other who do not share it.



