

Ukas: "I Went But Didn't Stay There" out now via streaming / cassette.

Ukasの "I Went But Didn't Stay There" 配信 / カセット販売開始。


 Streaming / 配信:https://linkco.re/uUARxfr9?lang=en

DL / Cassette / カセット:https://ukas-saku.bandcamp.com/album/i-went-but-didnt-stay-there

Ukas: "Smaller, the Long-Awaited Summer" out now.

Ukasの"Smaller, the Long-Awaited Summer"配信開始。

Smaller, in Blue is a record label that also offers translation and intermediation work.

Smaller, in Blueはレコードレーベルの形をした、翻訳や仲介的な何かも行う一人屋台です。

Follow me (Ukas) who's running SiB on social media / 運営主(Ukas)の各種SNSフォローよろしくお願いします。
- Instagram:@ukas27

- X (ex-Twitter): @09ukas27